College of Management, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand

MGMG 558: Innovation and Technology Strategy (developed)

The objectives of this course aim to explore what the General Manager or tech-entrepreneur needs to know in integrating technology and innovation with the firm’s strategy. The strategic fit and interaction from product strategy, business unit strategy, to corporate strategy are emphasized. The new technology management tools like strategic roadmapping are also practiced in the class.

MGMG 613: Management of Innovation (developed)

With the right mindset, an organization could effectively build up capabilities to fulfill its strategic goals. In this course, the learners will explore ways to install an innovation mindset and culture within your organization and constantly improve how you relate to, interact with and inspire your people.

·    Why innovation matters

·    Sources of Innovation: Where new products and services come from;

·    Making Innovation Happened

·    Systematic Approach in Managing Innovation

·    Creating an Innovation Culture

·    Challenges in Managing Innovation: Technology, organization and change

·    Innovation Systems


MGMG 611: Research and Development (R&D) Management (developed)

Although there is a universal agreement that innovation and R&D are vital to the growth, survival, and success of companies, the current practice has fallen into a tenuous state of frustration as the recent track records does not yield positive outcomes.


The objectives of this course aim to discuss the key issues of R&D management including the importance of R&D, difference of R&D strategies, selection of R&D projects, interface of R&D units with other organizational functions like marketing, engineering, etc. Moreover, several tools supporting technology analysis are also presented and exercised in the class such as technology forecasting, technology intelligence, bibliometric analysis, patent mapping, technology assessment and evaluation, technology roadmapping, etc. 


MGMG 605: Project Management

Generally, work in any organization involves either operations or projects. The key difference is that operations are ongoing and repetitive while projects are temporary and unique. Temporary means that every project has a definite beginning and a definite end when the project objective has been achieved. Uniqueness describes that project may not have been done before. Uniqueness can reflect through different owner, different design, different location, different contractors, and so on. Therefore, managing project is challenging.


The objectives of this course aim to:

·    Understand the use of projects to accomplish limited duration tasks in today's organizations.

·    Examine the activities, techniques and issues involved throughout the life cycle of a project, and to understand the reasons behind the activities and techniques involved.

·    Gain practical experience of planning, implementing and tracking a project.

·    Organize information to support project management tasks.

Europa Institute of MBA, Saarland University, Germany

Strategic Management of Change - Regularly Offered in Summer since 2007

Today's organizations operate in a challenging environment in which it is ever more complex and change has become the constant. The pressures from globalization, technological shifts, and volatile economic climate accelerate the pace of change. The impacts of changes could cause organizations to restructure and reconfigure their operations, processes and products. 

This course is designed to provide an overview of change as a process and help change leaders or the management to understand the necessary steps for implementing changes. Several analysis tools are also introduced in the class with couple hand-on exercises. A case example on how a firm adopts a new planning process in integrating business and technology strategy is presented to demonstrate how the concept of change management is applied to carry out the new process.

Department of Engineering and Technology Management (ETM) at Portland State University, Oregon, USA

EMGT 510/610: Technology Roadmapping (developed) - Term Offered: Winter 2005 
Technology roadmapping is a comprehensive approach for strategic planning to integrate science/technology development into product and business perspectives. This approach also provides a way to identify, evaluate, and select technological alternatives that should be utilized to achieve a desired objective.

This course is developed to emphasize the thinking processes of technology roadmapping through strategic integration of business, product, technology, and resources. The latest approach, known as Technology Development Envelope (TDE), will be presented in the course. TDE is a robust tool for roadmapping of emerging technologies to help decision makers understand where emerging technologies are going in the future and how they fit into an organization's objective.

This course will introduce a fundamental understanding of state-of-the-art development of nanotechnology, future fuel technologies, and biotechnology so that students would be aware of the future opportunities as well as how those emerging development would impact the ways they do business today.

EMGT 530/630: Decision Making in Engineering & Technology Management - - Term Offered: Spring 2005
Decision and value theory concepts are applied to technical and management decisions under uncertainty. Multicriteria decisions are analyzed. Subjective, judgmental decisions are quantified for expert decisions and conflict resolution in strategic decisions involving technological alternatives. Hierarchical decision modeling approach is introduced. Individual and aggregate decisions are measured. Decision discrepancies and group disagreements are evaluated. Case studies are included in the course.